Friday, April 21, 2006

Vieux Fidele, nous avons traversé la prairie.......(Post #16)

Hello all.
Easter was a good time for the lads, we won both games. My brother and I couldnt think when we last did an Easter double. Its amazing how a new coach's arrival can concentrate minds.
Our next game will be in France playing the Catalan Dragons. It will be a hard game, they can play some very pretty stuff. That leads me to the title of this post. Old Faithful, we roam the range together, translated into French.
Dont anyone say my posts aren't educational!
Congrats to my brother and Julie on the arrival of Katherine.... yet another little Hull fan :)


phil said...

congrats on the new arrival but be careful. if the social services hear you are forcing the little one to be a hull fan baby will be taken into care for abuse.

airliebird58 said...

Nah, that only applies to Chelsea fans ;)