Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I can hardly believe some of the stories that the Daily Telegraph has been printing about MP's and their expenses. If this doesn't get the British people going nothing will!
It is absolutely outrageous what has been claimed for, from one MP claiming for having a chandelier fitted into his house, to someone claiming for a box of Tampax!
To put no finer point on it, this is fraud of the British people, and don't give me all that tripe about 'acting within the rules' Surely the thought must have passed through the brain of the MP who claimed for a bag of horse manure, that this isn't really ' essential in doing my job as an MP' Actually, that claim is about right because I think this lot in Parliament, and I mean all sides, have just been shovelling shit on us for long enough!
Maybe in the upcoming elections we should look beyond the 2 party system and vote for other parties. I don't advocate voting for the BNP of course, but look at UKIP, The Greens etc. We haven't heard how bad the Lib Dems have been yet, its their turn soon, maybe they could come out of this smelling of roses you never know.
A couple of posts ago I wrote about a speech given to Parliament by Oliver Cromwell in 1653, when he dissolved the then' Long Parliament'. History speaks truth once again.
Here's the link to that speech


Mick & Cathy said...

You are right it is scandelous.

I'm not bothered what rules they are supposed to be working to some of them should get time for what they have done. Paying back now is a joke we all know we wouldn't have seen a penny if this hadn't come to light.

The solution is so simple, make all expense claims public (past & future) then the voters can decide who is giving value for money.

I'm not against them claiming for things that are necessary to do their job but a lot of them have been taking us for a ride far too long.

I've said before I believe there is far too many of them anyway, the whole system is top heavy, the country would run just as efficiently with far less than the 584 MP's we currently pay for.

Like you suggest I think a lot of people are looking at the alternatives, I'm for that in the European elections as a protest vote, however in a General Election I think the worst thing that could happen is a split government, someone needs a clear majority or we'll just have a mix match of policy.

airliebird58 said...

Well thats where they have us by the throat haven't they? They know we have to vote for one or the other, but do we? If there was a concerted campaign for everyone to oust their sitting MP at the nest elections, it would scare the living daylights out of em!
The new revelations never cease to amaze me. I read today that Lempit Opick (or whatever his bloody name is, he was engaged to a Cheeky Girl for a time) actually claimed £40 county court expenses when he was done for non-payment of council tax! The cheek of some of this stuff takes the breath away!