Tuesday, June 22, 2010

'A hard budget, but fair...'

Or so Mr George Osbourne said today when he rolled out his budget.
So lets see shall we?
Vat increase, of course that will effect people with less money.
Child benefit freeze, again, this will effect the poorest of us.
That is just 2 examples off the top of my head. It is a fact of life that people with excess funds can absorb increases in the cost of living, easier than people on a fixed income. People who work in the public sector are having their wages frozen for 2 years, (if they earn over £21,000 per year). The electric bill and the gas bill and the water bill and the food bill...will they be frozen for people? No. they wont be.
The thing is, who got us into this financial mess? The new coalition government would have you believe it was the outgoing Labour Government. This is partly true, but bailing out the banks cost this country a pretty penny. It's about time those crooks started giving it back.
I can remember the last Tory administration, I think this one scares me even more. Every one of them in the top jobs have no idea how it is to struggle to keep their heads above water financially. Not one of them.

1 comment:

Mick & Cathy said...

Its going to be a tough few years for most people but think we all knew it was coming sooner or later.
Hopfully the VAT increase wont last too long before its dropped again but I wont be holding my breath.