Thursday, December 06, 2007

One of my serious bits

I have a news flash program on my PC that pops up news flashes from the BBC,and this is the one I just received:

Smith plans 42-day terror limit.
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has announced plans to extend the period that terrorism suspects can be held without charge to 42 days.
Ministers have struggled to find support for increasing the detention period beyond the current 28 days.

Previously ministers had proposed extensions to 56 or 58 days

The government tried to increase the limit to 90 days in 2005, but this was voted down by Conservatives, Lib Dems and some Labour backbenchers


Now I don't know about you, but all this doesn't sit easily with me. Isn't 28 days enough?? Surely if the Police have no evidence to charge someone in 28 days then they should let them go!!
And don't give me all this 'War on Terror' stuff, as I say if there is no evidence at all in 28 days, which remember is nigh on a month, then couldn't it just be the case that the person in question may be innocent???
We have to be fair and balanced in these sort of things, or we become what we profess to be fighting. Profess being the operative word here. I've been a bit of a cynic where the 'War on Terror' is concerned for some time.


Mick & Cathy said...

I was watching a debate on this the other day and the facts show that more than 28 days has never been needed.
I think if we go along with the change we will be guilty of doing what a lot of the dictaterships around the world are accused of.
I think our biggest problem is we are not tough enough with them when we do catch them, to be honest our punishment system for law breakers is totally crap, far too soft.

airliebird58 said...

Well I have to agree with you there Mick.