Sunday, September 21, 2008

Upside down!

This week my hubby has had the week off and has embarked on sorting the kitchen out. Its been a madhouse here, dust all over, and we've had half the kitchen in the living room all week. Anyway, its taking shape now, of course there where things he ended up doing that we didn't think would need doing.
Friday was my 27th Wedding Anniversary, we went out for a meal on the Saturday before, but on the actual day I cleared off to my Parents and left the Hubster to bang about!
It never ceases to amaze me how time catches up with you, that we've been married 27 years. I still think the world of him (most of the time) and that's amazing considering he supports bloody Rovers. If he'd have told me who he supported when we met I'd have told him to bugger off! :)


Mick & Cathy said...

Hey congratulations on the wedding anniversary, I think the country would be a better place if more couples stuck it out for the long term.

airliebird58 said...

Thanks very much :) Don't get me wrong, we're not the perfect couple by any means. I've been an idiot and so has he, and we've been near the brink a couple of times. But what I can say is we didnt stay together because of the kids, or because of money. It's just that something you cant put your finger on......that's it we're both daft lol.