Friday, January 30, 2009


Well the news all us Hull FC fans have been waiting for finally arrived. Much to our neighbours, the Sith's delight, Michael Crocker has had his visa denied.

Now for once we can't blame the board. The club obtained his work permit, but it was Crocker himself who had to apply for the visa. It's looking like a conviction for affray, that he was fined for in 2005 was the reason it was refused.

When I think about all the low lifes that are let into this country, who sponge off the state, and I compare it with an Australian international, who would be coming here to work, pay taxes, and contribute a lot to the community he will live in has been denied access to the country.

This country is fast becoming a madhouse, and the inmates are running the asylum!


Mick & Cathy said...

It does seem riddiculous when you see some of the loony's we let in, wonder how many of the Guatamino Bay inmates we'll get when Obama shuts the place.

airliebird58 said...

I was really fed up when I heard about it. He is resubmitting his visa request, so fingers crossed!