Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just checking in.

I thought I'd just do a quick post as I have neglected this for a while. As I have mentioned in other posts my family hasn't had a good start to the New Year. What has been nice to see if anything can be seen as nice when there is a bereavement, is how the 'Family' kicks in. I have a brilliant family, and I have to say I married into a pretty nice one too.

Onto other more trivial things, (as I am prone to do at times!) I am so looking forward to the rugby season. I'm getting serious withdrawal symptoms, and have started to look longingly at the KC Stadium every time we pass it in the car! Pre-season seems to be going ok with the lads, and are to be doing not so bad for injuries for a change, at last compared to last season when they where going down like flies! We are all waiting of course with baited breath for Michael Crocker's visa to come through. I have one piece of advice for the immigration officials handling his case: GET YOUR BLOODY FINGERS OUT!

This week has seen wall to wall coverage of Barack Obama's transfer to power as President of the US. Now I've expressed my misgivings about him in the past, and all this euphoria surrounding his inauguration reminds me so much of Tony Blair when he was first elected, although admittedly on a much smaller scale. He is in a way, on a hiding to nothing. A lot of hopes have been raised, and it will be impossible to please everyone.
I'm always prepared to give any one a fair shot, and I really hope President Obama does really well. Because we all know how he deals with all the problems around nowadays, will have effects worldwide.


Mick & Cathy said...

Nice to see you posting & I agree its good to have families that rally together at the bad times.

As you know my thoughts on Obama are similar to yours but think one of my Aussie friends made an interesting comment on my blog when she commented on how similar his inaugral speach was to the one GWB did. Its my experience good talkers are never good at doing but we'll see.

airliebird58 said...

What Obama will have in spades is good will. Everyone wants him to do well. Lets hope he does for all our sakes.

phil said...

a couple of jokes, what have obama and kennedy got in common? answer. nothing yet but give it time, second joke.....crockers visa ha ha ha ha ha ha.

airliebird58 said...

Well crikey. I wondered where some witty comment would appear on here about Crocker. I'm bloody pissed off big time!!
You could be all too right about Obama. Shutting down Guantanamo, and secret CIA prisons in his first week. He'll be pissing off a lot of people already, just like Kennedy did.