Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bigger isn't always better.

I was messing about with my mobile phone and went on-line, it always amazes me what you can do with a mobile phone nowadays. Anyway, O2 my provider, had an offer of a free game download. So I downloaded that old stalwart, Tetris, and ended up playing it for ages!
I've always enjoyed playing computer games, on the PC and console. Going back quite while, my first console was a Sega Master system, then we went on to the Sega Mega Drive, then PSX and we now have a PS2. We've also had a PC for many years. Where games are concerned you notice one thing. The older games don't look as fancy as the modern sort, but they do have one thing that a lot of the state of the art games don't have, and that's playability. Where you cant put something down! Tetris has that in spades!


Mick & Cathy said...

I think we differ on this, I've never really go into computor games.

airliebird58 said...

Well Mick, in many ways that's a good thing, as they waste a hell of a lot of time!

phil said...

i dont play games either, do you remember when phones were for calling people on?

airliebird58 said...

yes I do, but mobiles are still clever. Do you have a mobile Phil?

phil said...

yes but it is turned off most of the time, i try to do without it. i really do think they are starting to rule our lives, we ring people up or text them to tell em we will be a cpl of minutes late, why not just apologise when we arrive? we text jokes to each other, why not just tell em when we see em.