Sunday, April 20, 2008

'I'll think about that tomorrow'

So Scarlett O'Hara said in that smashing old film 'Gone with the Wind'. Well I've just watched Chancellor Alistair Darling saying the same thing in a BBC interview, whilst trying to explain the quite miserable decision to abolish the 10p tax rate. (I'll provide a link to the video, but I have to say that I only made it half way through)
I honestly can't believe this is the Labour party that my dear Nana encouraged me to vote for all those years ago when I turned 18.
Don't these bloody idiots understand, that 5.4 million people on low wages, will all of a sudden have their taxes DOUBLED?? I'm sure they'd deny it, but lets be clear about this, the Chancellor has lowered the main rate of tax too 20p in the pound, and if you are on the 10p band that will be abolished and you will pay 20p. That's double in my book, and they want people to come off benefits and work?? What a joke that is!
Some of these people exist from day to day, and what Mr Darling will look on as only a few pounds extra will be the tipping point for so many people. We all have higher fuel, utillity, and council tax bills, food is becoming more expensive, but lets face it, the more money you have the easier you can adapt your budget, when you have no more money you can't.
There is talk about quite a few Labour MP's rebelling in Parliament about this, and I hope they do. It will be about bloody time the Labour Party stood up for the one reason they we're formed in the first place, and which they have so disgustingly forgotten.... to defend the ordinary working
The Labour Party sold their soul for power, and I'm glad my Nana didn't live to see it.



phil said...

bloody hell this is a bit of a change to your usual posts but i must say i agree with every word.

airliebird58 said...

Well it really got my goat. It's a bloody disgrace.