Saturday, October 18, 2008


I know this subject is a bit off beam from what I usually post about on here, but I have been fascinated by the UFO mystery for as long as I can remember. It amazes me how many people have seen something. I go on a forum called Above Top Secret that has a UFO section, and some very clued up posters. It's really interesting how some can take a video and look it over, more often than not finding it was a hoax.
I have had one sighting a couple of years ago. My Husband and I was walking home late one night, it was a very clear with no clouds, and I think you just naturally look up at the stars when things are like that. Anyway, something caught our eye, moving steadily across the sky. It was 3 lights, in a triangular formation. It seemed pretty high up, and we both stood and watched it move from one horizon to the other, maybe taking about 30 seconds. By the time it had nearly reached the horizon we had sort of thought it was maybe a plane (there was no noise BTW) or a satellite, then all of a sudden, all 3 lights shot off in different directions!
Now this could of course been the Red Arrows doing a training session at about 1am at night but somehow I doubt it!
People always say we never see any really good pictures of UFO's and that is true, but I have to say it never crossed my mind to try and take a pic of what we saw, and I did have a camera phone in my handbag!
Anyway, here's a video someone has put together of UFO photos going back as far as 1870.


Mick & Cathy said...

Yes it is a strange subject, I'm a bit of a negative on this one, I'm always suspicious of sittings & believe there is another explanation.

airliebird58 said...

I'm sure most of them are, especially secret projects etc. For instance if someone saw that Stealth Bomber say about 20 yrs ago what would they have thought? No one knew about that plane until they unveiled it.
It does stand to reason we aren't alone in the universe, it's just whether any of our freinds out there have been here!