Friday, October 20, 2006


Is it just me that hates fireworks with a passion??
They're setting them off already around here, and have been for some time. They're dangerous, and always seem to be found in the hands of kids no matter what restrictions are put on them. On Bonfire Night its like being in a war zone! I have 3 cats and all get scared to death by all the noise. That seems to be the fashion now, more noise and less substance.
About 30 minutes ago someone set one off around here, and believe me, it was one loud bang after another for about a minute. Gawd knows what entertainment folk get out of it!
Now far be it for me to be a killjoy. Fireworks are marvelous to watch, when its a proper display, and thats what it should be. Young idiots shouldn't be able to get their hands on what are really explosives.
But then, silly me, people make money out of them don't they?


phil said...

you want to think yourself lucky, i feel like i live in a warzone all year round! north bransholme, twinned with beirut!!!!! as for all the fireworks lately, silly girl, they were the hull kr celebrations you heard.

airliebird58 said...

I lived up Bransholme for about a year when I first got married, you know the maisonettes that where all knocked down 20 odd years ago?
I remember laying in bed one lovely summers night, with the curtains open looking at the stars......and a washing machine went flying past the window! I thought I was seeing things, but there it was in the morning on the ground outside. So someone had chucked a washer off the top floor. I decided then to come back to West Hull. You can say what you like about it,(and most of it is true!)but you're at least safe from flying washers!

Mick & Cathy said...

Your right about people making money out of Fireworks (have you checked the prices).
I reckon its about time we caught up with the rest of the world and the only firework displays should be the official one's organised by such as local councils.
It would elimate the idiot problem and you wouldn't get the number of people/animal injuries that always happen at this time of year.
Flying washing machines interesting area, actually I've heard a few Bransholme tales, I do know a few people from Hull.