Monday, January 08, 2007

First post of the New Year.

Well 2007 is here, Christmas is over for another year (thank God) I've been laid up with a bad cold for the best part of a week, and then had to do some overtime at work so just haven't had the chance to post on here.
I had a nice quiet Christmas, if you don't mention being at work bit that is! I've eaten far too much chocolate, but got some nice pressies.

The Hubby got me a new mobile. I must admit to dropping a few hints. I saw this very girly phone made by BenQ-Seimens. Now I know I like a lot of blokey things like Rugby etc, but I like girly stuff too. With this phone, you can press a button and the screen becomes a mirror! Handy stuff believe me!

Kirsty painted me a picture as a present. I was pretty chuffed with it. She's always loved art, and a pal left her some oil paints etc when he went to Edinburgh University to study. I took a picture of it with my phone, it doesn't do it justice really but here it is.


Mick & Cathy said...

I glad you have posted I was sort of wondering where you was.

Well thats different a phone that you can use as a mirror. Can you also use it has a phone ?

Nice Painting the girl has got some talent.

airliebird58 said...

Yes, funnily enough you can use it as a phone lol. It has a nice lilac inlay around the keypad and came with a very nice charm to hang on it. The cables and earphones are baby blue too lol.
You can actually buy a handbag that matches, but that's a bit too much methinks :)