Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Just a comment...

Just a comment about the story in the press today about a Muslim father that is taking legal action against his daughters school as she is not allowed to wear the Niqab (that's the full face veil) His daughter is 12 years of age.
Now I'm not a church goer, and my beliefs are nether here nor there. I do respect people who go down the religious path, so my views are nothing to do with any sort of discrimination of that kind.
The child's Father says that it infringes on his daughters human rights, that she is not allowed to wear the veil
Now if you ask me her having to wear that damn thing does just that! The right for a little girl (because that's what she is, a bairn) to feel the sun and fresh air on her face?
I have no problem with women covering their hair and legs etc, or someone of the Sikh religion wearing a turban.
But the veil to me smacks of the suppression of women, and nothing to do with worshipping God!


Mick & Cathy said...

Stories like this really cheese me off. The minute people start quoting "Human Rights" nowadays I'm always suspicious of their motives.
If they want to live in our society they should conform (like most do).
The muslim veil I understand isn't even anything to do with religion its just a traditional thing, a bit like the Dutch wearing clogs, the Scots Kilts, etc.

phil said...

whos human rights is it infringing? hers or her father's?
seems to me he wants to tell her what to do, that is bullying surely? poor old jade has just ben lambasted for this.

airliebird58 said...

Mick: You're dead right, as far as I understand it doesn't say anywhere in the Koran that a veil has to be worn. Its suppression pure and simple!
Phil: the article said the little lass wanted to wear it, but what dont kids want to do around her age? Not to be different, that's what. I cant believe she wants to really, how to they play, do PE, even bloody see properly with one of those things on.
I say again, I'm not having a go at Islam itself in this case, its this idiotic tradition that ticks me off big style!