Friday, February 08, 2008

A new season!

Hull FC start the new Superleague season tonight away to hotly tipped Warrington. I haven't seen what sort of side we will have out. As I mentioned in an earlier post we have a list of injuries as long as your arm, but I always have faith in the lads, and I'm sure we'll give em a good game win or loose.


Moby Dick said...

Sounds like they might be related to the Miami Dolphins at 1-15 for the year?

airliebird58 said...

Did the dolphins have a lot of injury probs? I do watch some American Football, and follow how the Raiders do, but I'm not up to speed on it I must admit! :)

phil said...

be afraid very afraid

airliebird58 said...

Who of? The Dobbins?