Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Empty Suit.

I was just replying to a comment on a prior post and said that US Presidential candidate Barack Obama struck me as a bit of an empty suit. It puzzles me how he has got so immensely popular in the US without really revealing anything about himself, or his core policies and beliefs.
Something just came to mind when I wrote about the 'Empty suit'. There was a very famous film called 'Queen Christina' starring the old film star Greta Garbo. In it she played the Queen of Sweden, who abdicated her throne. The closing shot was of the exiled Queen on the bridge of a sailing ship, and ended with a full close up of her expressionless face. The reason for doing this, the Director said, was so the viewer could use his own interpretation of the Queens thoughts as she sailed away from her country.
People always have hopes and dreams, they want a better way of life for themselves and their children, and it struck me, people are using the empty suit, the blank canvas of Barack Obama to project their hopes and dreams on.
I hope he has more about him than I personally think he has, or many people will be bitterly dissapointed.

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