Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hillary concedes

I watched Hillary Clinton's concession speech this afternoon, and what an excellent speech it was. Even though I'm not an American, and only an interested observer of US politics, I felt so very sad to hear her concede.
I think maybe I was rooting for her because she was a woman and I liked her, and as I mentioned in an earlier post how amazingly disgusting some of her treatment in the US media has been. Where it has to be said that her opponent Barack Obama has had a pretty free ride.
On the other hand I've seen Mrs Clinton's cleavage discussed, and as mentioned before her liking for trousers. It has even been pointed out how it would be a bit dodgy for a President to have 'emotional' challenges every month, when at age 60 Hillary is a bit past all that sort of thing!
I think what it all boils down to is I'm just a housewife that works part time, and pretty happy with my lot. But I read about how women are trodden on all over the world. You particularly hear some horrendous stories from the Middle East.
I think Mrs Clinton lived the dream for a lot of women watching on, and it was so sad for the lady to make way for the man once again, as it has always been.


Mick & Cathy said...

Apparently she hasn't conceeded just suspended her campaign, I'm still working out the difference.

airliebird58 said...

You are right, she hasn't conceded totally, now I maybe wrong here, but as far as I know a suspension means she can still raise funds to pay off election debts, and more importantly she keeps her delegates. So say if Mr Obama does something a bit potty she in theory could step into the breach.
Maybe the rumours going about the net about him have a bit of truth to them??

Mick & Cathy said...

I've been looking at a few Obama Speeches and he has done some classics but when he said he'd visited 57 states and still had a couple to do was superb, I think he drinks too much heinz soup.
Saying that it only comes 2nd to the "I want to help me become president of the greatest country in the world, so join me and help me change it" classic.

airliebird58 said...

He talks about 'Me' a lot doesn't he? I know politicians must have some sort of ego or the job wouldn't attract them, but boy this lad is supremely confident.
I still haven't come across anything he has said so far that has changed my original thought about him, that of an empty, expensive suit!

phil said...

if all we heard about hilary being the power behind the throne when bilbo was president then america has already had its first woman president!!! and mandy, i have heard stories of skeletons in mr bam bam obamas closet but cant find what these skeletons are, can you e mail the details to me please.