Thursday, July 31, 2008

My shiney new phone!

Well, the Hubster said I could get a contract phone and he would pay for it (so who am I to argue!) I think maybe the reason is he has just got a very flash phone on contract, and my pink, Pay and Go Samsung d900i went kaput on me a week or so ago.
Anyway, I was looking through the contract phones on O2 and didn't fancy many of them, (mostly because none where pink) then I saw the LG Viewty. I was a bit iffy about it being a touch screen phone, (and its not pink) but I shouldn't have worried. It is absolutely fab! So clever! There is a little stylus to click on things but I don't have to use it much, nails work just as well. (thanks to Mam for stopping me biting my nails!)
Anyway, I'm well made up with it. Lets hope it lasts me a bit longer than my last phone!
(Oh, and I've ordered a pink case off ebay for it! )


Mick & Cathy said...

Looks a bit flash does that phone.

airliebird58 said...

It's very clever. I usually go for very basic phones, but thought I'd give it a go. I've found it really easy to pick everything up, and have only had to check the manual twice.