Monday, May 01, 2006

Post # 18

I was a little worse for the wear today, as hubby and I went out last night. It has to be said I had one too many! Anyway, I got myself down to the KC to watch the lads, and I'm glad I did. Smashing display. Especially in the 1st half. The final score was 54-12.
Wigan have major probs, it looks like they dont want to know, which just isn't good enough when near on 2000 fans have bothered to travel across the country to support you!!

Now many years ago, when I turned 18, (Queen Victoria was on the throne I believe!) I remember when it was election time, my Nana rang me up. She reminded me how important it was to vote. Especially us women, she said, as ladies had chained themselves to railings and one threw herself under the Kings racehorse to get us the vote. I replied I would vote, and her parting remark was ' and I dont care who you vote for Mandy, as long as its Labour'
For quite a few years I did, untill Tony Blair became leader. There was just something about him I didnt like. I remember my Dad playing merry hell with me when I told him I hadn't voted Labour at that election.
So I was amazed to hear that my Dad (both my parents have already voted by post) has not voted Labour in the council elections.
If someone like my Dad hasn't voted Labour, theyre in big trouble on Thursday, and I for one wont weep for 'em.


phil said...

not gonna comment on your rugby bit cos im upset!!!!!! but 1stly its your own fault shouldnt drink too much and secondly, it doesnt matter if you vote tory or labour they are so alike nowadays, we are in a dictatorship now in this country with president blair.
i dont know what part of hull you are in but im on n. bransholme and we must have the best councillor in the world up here, she is an independent (were two of them but seen only one standing this time) if these two ladies had not been here im under no illusions we would have seen this estate disappear, the estate is now looking up and its all because of these two women, a recent newsletter said in the last three years they have managed to get more spent on the estate than labour did in the previous 14.

airliebird58 said...

Well ofcourse I live in West Hull! Thank God for some people who really do care about folk. Shame the people in power dont. We have a Prime Minister who has literally blood on his hands for the lie that is Iraq. His Deputy is shagging anything in a skirt, and the Home Secretary looking for bloody rapists, murderers and peadophiles that should have been on the 1st plane back to their own countries as soon as they set foot out of the prisons. Although I've never liked Blair, when Labour got in I naively thought things would get better. I was an idiot.
My taste in Rugby League though is beyond question :)

phil said...

your taste in rugby league beyond question? woo hoo thank you welcome to the red and whites. that must have been what you meant wasnt it, nice to welcome new fans.

airliebird58 said...

Youre having a larf Phil.....hahaha