Friday, May 05, 2006

Post # 19

Well, its far too early for me to be up (its about 6.15am) but I just woke up about 5am and could not get back to sleep. I listened to the radio to find out about how the local elections went. Labour dont seem to have done very well, but ofcourse they'll spin it as a blip and just go on there merry way. I saw some dimwit on TV last night saying it was mid term blues, how can it be 'mid-term' when the government were only elected last year??
All governments wear a bit thin after a while, but this lot have been such a dissapointment. They seem to have completely left behind what the Labour party was created for: the ordinary working man. A case in point is how Blair has so blindly followed George Bush. Bush ofcourse is a madman, but you could argue that Blair is worse, as he seems to be an intelligent man.
Anyway, on to more important things. The other men in my life, Hull Fc, are at home to the Bradford Bulls. It will be a good gauge on how well weve improved of late. We owe dem Bulls a drubbing!!

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