Thursday, November 23, 2006

Just been having..

... a text chat with my eldest daughter, Michelle. I tend to text a lot to both my daughters, it's just how younger people communicate I guess.
She wanted me to look online to translate 'lion' into Japanese. As I've mentioned before she is at Leeds University studying the language. At the mo she's working her socks off because of a very special incentive. The students with the best marks after the 1st year are sent to Japan on a University swap for the full 2nd year. Those who don't go will stay in Leeds and study as usual. Bit of a difference isn't it? She's a clever lass, as are both my girls. Kirsty is at Hull Uni studying Criminology and Social Policy. I know what you're thinking....they've got their brains off their Dad!
Anyway she has been at a meeting today telling them what will happen if she gets a place to go, and was telling me how exciting it all sounded, and how disappointed she would be if she doesn't get to go. I've always said to them both that all you can do is your best. Sometimes that isn't good enough, but at least you know you have given it your best shot. I think there is a fine line between encouraging your kids and pushing them. If you show an interest in what they are doing, and not just want to know what grades they have, it can work wonders. Shame is, most schools nowadays only seem to be bothered how many GCSE's and A levels they can squeeze out of kids to get more points. Where the not to clever academically can go to hell in a hand cart. Being clever academically isn't the be all and end all by any means!!! Whats wrong with common sense or being good with manual stuff?
Oh and apparently, airliebird in Japanese is Hayatori. Of course that is the translation of 'early bird' Not the play on words 'airliebird' is. (For anyone that doesn't know, the main entrance of Hull FC's old ground was down Airlie Street, hence The Airliebirds)
I don't think Hayatori's Nesuto quite works do you? :)


Mick & Cathy said...

Well I can't be much help with the Japanese language we didn't do it at my Secondary School.
I hope your Daughter gets chosen for the trip it would be a experience of a lifetime. From what I hear it is a real nice country with good people although I believe it can be quite expensive.

airliebird58 said...

Yes she's been warned about the expense. Someone who works with her has just finished the course and gave her a few pointers. He said it was virtually impossible to find a part time job there. I think she would manage though. Her grant is increased and some of the Japanese Uni's have scholarships. Oh, and there is always International Bank transfers (from her Dad's account lol)

phil said...

i could have translated airlie bird into any language you want, it comes out as black and white ba***rd in what ever language you choose.seriously though good luck to her, my middle lad was looking around wyke college a couple of weeks ago, he wants to study dance, he really does have an interest in it, he even teaches a lesson at school on a friday afternoon.

airliebird58 said...

Now come on Phil you like us really, we're the Ying to Rovers' Yang lol.
Both my girls went to Wyke. It seems a good place, they had no complaints.

phil said...

good to hear about wyke, seemed ok when we looked around, his dance teacher (more like a bloody surrogate father, he spends that much time with him).reccommended it