Friday, February 02, 2007

The Daughter of Time.

My daughter bought me a book the other day, called 'The Daughter of Time' by mystery writer Josephine Tey. I read this book as a teenager and it fostered a life-long fascination with King Richard III.
I have always loved history, I got my solitary 'O' level in the subject, and have lots of books that many would think boring, but I love it!
King Richard has always been my favourite character though. In the book, a police officer is bed ridden in a hospital after an accident. Bored, he is given by a friend pictures of historical figures that have a mystery connected to them. As he had always prided himself on being able to 'read' faces, he was amazed to realise that one portrait was Richard, the' murderer' of the 'princes in the tower', and he goes on to investigate to see if he indeed caused the princes death, or was he a victim of propaganda.
I've always thought he was innocent. Before he became King he ruled the North for his brother Edward IV, and lived in Yorkshire for much of his life. He was much loved there and I always say if Yorkshire men loved him, he cant have been all bad!
Anyway, I've babbled on enough. If you like to read a crime mystery with a twist, try 'The Daughter of Time' it's a really good read!


phil said...

i loved history, i got 92% in a mock exam at 13, but dropped it, cos i got 94% in humanities and had to choose between these two subjects. damn i chose the wrong one.

Mick & Cathy said...

I never got into history at school took geography instead.
However I do find some periods fascinating and do regret not doing it.