Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Just a quick update....

...about what I've been up to lately. Well mainly getting over Christmas. With being busy at work etc and doing a bit of overtime, I've had quite a bit of a flare up with my arthritis. I've come to the conclusion that it's a pretty good bet I wont be working a Christmas and New Year like that again. It's just too much. I'm still suffering the after effects now, and will do for a while.
Over the last year things have changed quite a lot. I just can't do what I used to be able too, and when I do anything remotely strenuous, it taking me longer and longer to recover. I do get a bit down at times, and frustrated, but you have to get on with things and think of the positives. There's no point in being a silly bugger though, I just have to be realistic and know my limits.

On the good news front, my eldest daughter Shell will be coming home from Japan on Saturday. For good. She's decided to change degree's as she was just too homesick in Japan, and as a result everything was getting on top of her work wise. If she wanted to change course she had to do it now, so she made the decision to go into computer sciences, something she does have a natural ability at.
At least she had a go though, and that's the main thing. She loves the country, but it turned out to be the wrong direction for her in the end. She had a go, and that's all that I'm bothered about.
It will be nice to have her home, we've all missed her.


Mick & Cathy said...

Sorry about the Arthritis flaring up, you take care.

Its a good decision of your daughter to realise its not right for her, a lot of people would have just put up with it which would be wrong. I'm sure living in another country has been a fantastic experience and it will have learned her so much about herself.

airliebird58 said...

What she seems to have decided is that any kind job she would get with a Japanese studies degree would take her away from Hull, and after being so far away she doesnt want that. Some people cant wait to get away from where they were born, and some don't. I love where I live, OK its regularly voted the worst place to live in the country, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.