Monday, May 19, 2008

Seeing 'real' Predjudice

I have always been interested in American politics, so have followed this years Presidential race on the net and American news channels on Sky.
What has struck me with quite some horror, is how Hillary Clinton has been treated in the American media. In the way it has been inferred that she should give up and call it a day, and let the men take over. You see her called a bitch, a witch, and all those old chestnuts that are rolled out when a strong woman starts to do well.
I hated everything that Margaret Thatcher stood for, but she used to get the same sort of treatment in a way. Even in 'Spitting Image' she was portrayed in a mans suit and smoking cigars.
Hillary gets 'witty' comments on her preference for trousers. I wear trousers all the time because they are damn comfy, I would think she thinks the same.
The thought of an intelligent able woman becoming President of the US fills me with pride. She may not win, but it would be nice if she got a fair shot! Good luck Hillary, do it for the girls!


Mick & Cathy said...

I've actually got fed up with this Election I think the Americans drag it out far too long.
I also have the feeling the rilvary between Obama & Clinton is playing right into McCains hands.

phil said...

i hope she doesnt win. did you hear her answer when she was asked what she would do with the impending iran problem? "we would obliterate them" was her answer, oh dear george bush take two ........ACTION.

airliebird58 said...

You might remember me posting about my dislike of Tony Blair, I never liked him, right from the off. So much so, I didn't vote for Labour whilst he was leader. He was all front, all fur coat and no knickers. I get this feeling about people very rarely (another is Tom Cruise and look what happened to him!!) but I have it with this Barack Obama, he speaks well and is a pretty bloke, but he's hollow.
You can call Hillary what you like and a lot do, but at least with her it's what you see is what you get, I like her.

Mick & Cathy said...

I agree with you about Obama he does remind me also of Tony Blair I've said that to some of my American Blog friends who support him.

phil said...

what do you expect, hes a yank, only good yank is a dead my opinion that is

airliebird58 said...

Mick: Tony Blair mark 2 isn't he? Even down to the fact that he and his wife are lawyers. There's a few rumours flying about the net about him as well, if they get out it'll be a bit of fun to say the least!
Phil: Well if they keep starting wars you'll get your wish wont you!