Thursday, June 21, 2007

Back Home!

And no, I don't mean the ditty by the England 1970 World cup Squad. I mean my eldest daughter Michelle, comes back home at the weekend. It will just be until September, when she jets off to Japan on a years student swap.
I don't have a very big house, and am dreading all the stuff she will be bringing with her! My younger daughter, Kirsty, came back home October last year. All her stuff is here, but she stays at her boyfriends all the time, just surfacing once a week with mucky washing!
I'm going to have to tell them to have a major clear out or we wont have room to move in here!!
Here's Shell dressed as Japanese anime character Sailor Moon for a fancy dress party. I tell you what, that kitchen doesn't look too bad, considering its a student house does it??


Mick & Cathy said...

I bet you're always pleased to have them home though.
The Japanese trip will be awesome.

airliebird58 said...

I love having them home. :)
Its a once in a life time trip for Shell. We're hoping to going out there to see her over the Easter hols next year as she has quite a long break then.
Should get some good pics for my blog !