Thursday, September 27, 2007

Serious for a change.

I use blogger regularly and usually post about frivolous things like rugby and football. But sometimes blogging can be a really important service.
I'm sure anyone who has watched the news in the last few days will know about the situation in Burma (now named Myanmar) and how Buddhist monks are leading protests against the military regime there.
I came across some links to bloggers over there, posting about the situation. Now these people are very brave to report what is going on, something in this country we just take for granted.
Here are the links to the 2 blogs I have read:
dawn_109's blog
ko htike

You can sign e petitions here:
No 10 petition

UN petition

If you have time please visit and give your support.


Mick & Cathy said...

It is so scary what goes on in some coutries.
It does make you realise how lucky we are to live in a democracy.

Good Post.

airliebird58 said...

Thanks very much.
We have a great country, we should all look after it.