Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I wont go into the details of what happened to little 'Baby P' (as he was called in court) But he was beaten to death, no other words for it. Now something like this upsets me greatly, as I'm sure it does everybody. What I cant fathom is how bad do things have to get before a child is taken into care?? This little mites home was visited 60 times! I tell you what I think, its bloody political correctness, the social services are frightened to death to impinge on peoples 'rights', and as a result don't bloody do their jobs properly!
The three 'people' who lived in the house with this poor child have all been convicted, but none of murder, there's something amazing about that too. I hope quite frankly hope they rot in hell, but will most probably be protected in prison, and be out in a few years.

Now I'll tell you something about being a Mother . You get some powerful feelings when you have a child, an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness. Some can be a bit scary quite frankly, as with no qualms whatsoever I would do anything to protect my children. When I read about women who stand by, and let someone hurt their child in this way, well, they are just worse than the dirt on the ground. I know one thing, if it was me and I'm sure most women, they would do it only once.

My Daughter has just started a Masters Degree in Social Work. She said it's very hard work. I'm sure most Social Workers work very hard, and it must be a tough slog to be confronted with sad stories everyday. But when you hear stories like this, it has to be said that heads have to roll.

But then in this day and age, when do we see anyone in charge take responsibility when things go wrong? Unless you work for the BBC, or your name is Russell Brand!


Mick & Cathy said...

This case is so horrific its almost unbelievable. I read the other day that they are expecting around a ten year sentence, if ever there is an advertisment for the death penalty this as got to be it.
Hopfully the Prison Guards wont be too good at keeping their identity from the other inmates.

airliebird58 said...

I heard on radio that the reason there hasnt been a murder rap is that they are all keeping silent on who actually killed the little bairn. I hope someone does get em in prison,I would imagine it will soon get around who they are.

phil said...

hiya again....firstly let me say that as a dad it isnt only a mother that would do anything for her kids, but im sure you know that anyway. if anyone hurt my kids in this way i would quite happily kill them. I heard an ex social worker on the radio the other day saying about how when they go to do a visit there is so much paperwork to do and boxes to tick for what they are doing that they sometimes spend so long filling in forms and ticking boxes that they often forget what they are there for and they have no time to do proper inspections, seems to me it needs looking at the same as the police who spend so long filling in forms they have no time for doingh the job they are employed to do, lets forget all the form filling and political correctness crap, if as a human being a social worker recieves a call or has a feeling that something isnt right then let them search for the truth like a flamingblood hound

airliebird58 said...

There are just 2 words that some up what has sadly disappeared in this country.