Friday, May 25, 2007

Daft about cats.

Now I have 3 cats, and I am daft with them. For instance it is now about 1am and I'm still up as all the little darlings are outside and they don't normally stay out all night. So I'm waiting for them to come in!
That's daft, but the pic above proves there are people dafter. It is a cat stroller. Yes that's right, a buggy for cats! Actually the cat inside the buggy in the picture looks like my cat Jess. I don't think Jess would be as well behaved inside one of those though.
Apparently this little beauty costs $139.99 which is over £70 in real money! :)
Just in case you think I'm making this up you can have a look at the web site here


Suzy said...

That is SO cute! I can't imagine my cat staying in it though. She is an outside cat during the day and does what she pleases and an inside cat after about 3.30 in the afternoon and there is no way I could talk her into sitting in a stroller while I took her for a walk. She would be highly offended!!

airliebird58 said...

I know all mine would be very offended if I put them in one of those. When I had a look around the site a bit more, they did have kitty carriers (for going to the vets with etc) that you can put on a wheel frame rather like a babys pram that you can use as a cot too. I would think that would be handy if you have to walk any distance..... I think! :)

Mick & Cathy said...

£70 I think I'll get a Budgie.

airliebird58 said...

I tell you what, I bet you can get buggys for them as well! :)