Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nurses told not to call patients 'love'

I don't have to add much to the title of this post do I? Is it nuts or is it nuts? Apparently the Nursing and Midwifery Council have advised this. I heard a spokesperson for the said Council on the radio, saying that they had taken surveys and advice on this, and a lot of people don't like to be called things like 'love', 'dearie', 'sweetheart' etc. What a load of old rubbish that is. I wonder how much money was spent on coming to this conclusion?
When I first started work, I worked for a local supermarket. The boss was this little bloke and I must admit most of us thought he was a bit of a busybody at the time, but looking back he was an old fashioned 'hands on' businessman. Anyway one thing he said to me I have always remembered. He told me to always to be polite and pleasant to the customers, especially older people, because you might be the only human contact they have all the day. I always get annoyed when you see check out people that do not acknowledge you, and barely speak.
My real point being political correctness is erasing many forms of 'Human' contact.
Just as an aside about terms you should call people, I do love the way Americans call ladies Ma'am. That's lovely :)
Read about the above mentioned report HERE


Mick & Cathy said...

The world has gone mad, politically correct types are just idiots.

airliebird58 said...

All this rubbish is gone on too far, and in some cases it borders on the dangerous. Baby P being a case in point!